Any alcohol or other drugs taken (illicit or prescription).Pre-existing medical or psychiatric conditions.THC is the chemical responsible for the commonly described effects of cannabis. The active ingredient in cannabis is known as “THC.” THC is short for delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, which binds to the CB1 (cannibinoid) receptor in the central nervous system. MedlinePlus: Centers for Disease Control, Fact Sheets – Caffeine and Alcohol: Cannabis “Marijuana”Ĭannabis is a substance that acts as a depressant, which means that it slows nervous activity in the brain. Cannabis comes in the forms of marijuana, hashish, or hash oil and they can be smoked or added to foods. People mixing the two substances are more likely to binge drink and experience the harmful effects and increased risks normally associated with alcohol. Masking the body’s natural response to alcohol can also inhibit a person’s ability to respond to the body’s natural warning signs during alcohol use. The stimulation caused from caffeine has the ability to mask the depressant effects of alcohol. Mixing caffeine with alcohol can be dangerous. Large amounts of caffeine over time have been linked to health problems like osteoporosis or fibrocystic disease, and you may want to limit your intake if you are prone to sleep problems or have acid reflux, stomach problems, high blood pressure, or chronic headaches. Drinking up to 10 cups of coffee is considered excessive, and too much caffeine can cause trouble breathing, confusion, diarrhea, fever, or vomiting. The American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs suggests that 2-3 cups of coffee a day or up to 5 servings of any caffeinated beverage is considered average moderate use for most people. Even you may have experienced one of the side effects of skipping the usual morning cup – a caffeine withdrawal headache. Side Effects:ĭependency can occur after regular use of caffeine, and the body experiences withdrawal symptoms when caffeine intake is decreased or eliminated. People can vary in their sensitivity to caffeine, and listed below are common side effects of caffeine use. Caffeine is a diuretic and delays fatigue. It is a stimulant to the central nervous system, cardiac muscles, and respiratory system. Caffeine is an alkaloid found naturally in coffee, tea, kola nuts, mate, and guarana.